Strawberry Rama-rama Tea

Raya 2015 ooemak dpt peluang ke Cameron Highland dengan Aeyah(that’s how Ahmad pronounce Ayah) dan Ahmad.

Memang dah lama nak bawa Ahmad jalan-jalan, nature trip.

‘Encourage your child to observe the world and to feel a sense of wonder for everything in it’- How To Raise An Amazing Child The Montessori Way by Tim Seldin

Kalau tak asyik main kat playground, kat playground mall. Hehe this is the second nature trip with Ahmad. We had our first to the beach ( I’ll blog bout it later).

Alhamdulillah perjalanan selamat. Ahmad tidur sepanjang jalan dari rumah smpi ke Tanah Rata.

Ahmad loves flower since he was tiny baby. So he was thrilled when he saw all those flowers in Cameron Highland. We didn’t get to go to the Lavender Garden as I was having back pain. But we did to get to see some around the Copthorne Hotel.
Memang tak lepaskan peluang untuk Ahmad rasa dan bau bunga-bunga. N he was so excited to tell me all the colour hehe .’Red, Peecnk (Pink), Lellow(Yellow), Orange’; he kept on pointing to the flowers. It was fun.

ahmad cameron 2

We also went to Strawberry farm, which was a hit with Ahmad. Suka tengok dia suka. tak berhenti bercakap hahaha. Dok membebel n sangat2 suka bila bagi dia ‘picked’ the strawberries, well actually I picked them and gave it to him to put into the basket. just like Tim Seldin wrote: ‘Children loves to work and play’.
Memang Ahmad happy la bila bagi work ‘picking’ the strawberries.

ahmad cameron 3

cameron 4

Next trip: The Zoo InsyaAllah.


Art is a great activity for children. I believe it helps in developing not only creativity but also their motor skill. It also helps them to learn colours.

Ahmad loves art activities. Bought Ahmad few washable non toxic markers. Got it from Spotlight. He loves to scribbles. Sometimes I gave him big sheet of mahjung paper or brown paper. I also keep all kind of boxes from stuff that I bought and let him use for drawing.
Once caught him drawing on my floor…ARRGHH. Nasib baikla marker washable huuuu. Then I bought the IKEA MALA Easel. At least when he used the easel, it keep him away from the floor. Just love it as drawing/Scribbling kept him busy.

drawing 1

Yesterday I was taking a nap. Left Ahmad with his Ayah. When I woke up waaarrghh
He was grinning and laughing… He scribbled on Aaeyah’s face and chest. Haha Aaeyah fell asleep while babysitting him drawing. I wanted to take a photo of Aaeyah’s new look and put it on the blog but Aaeyah is too shy hahaha.

drawing 2

Another art activity Ahmad loves is finger painting DURING BATHTIME IN THE BATHROOM hehe but that’s another story 🙂